Sunday, June 29, 2008

40 mile madness

Completed the To Bone and Back 40 Mile Ultra yesterday in 10 hours 13 minutes. Altitude and the Hills fucking destroyed me, by the last 5 miles it was hard to walk, bonked at least three times, gnarly muscle spasms in my groin and hamstrings. I took the honor of Dead Fucking Last or as I like to call it the DFL award. That being said, the other 6 thatt ran the Ultra were total specialists, no way could they have deadlifted 2x BW or done 40+ pull ups. But I had my strategy and I stuck to it, I saved a lot in the first twenty (ran at like 50%) to make sure that I had a little something to complete. I was on a 6 hour pace up until the 27th mile and then the hills, muscle spasms started making me their bitch. Attached is a photo off my phone with the trophy I got for completing it. My goal/strategy was to complete it, and refresh the perishable skill of tolerance to punishment, and I did just that. Next time I'll know what to expect and will focus more on competition. I haven't had a chance to upload the rest of the photos but just wanted to send this along.


Anonymous said...

Nice job, Whit. Your shirt says it all!

solista said...

So does your red face. To hell with the marathon right! Go straight to the ultra. Not to mention that Oprah did a marathon and so does every other person who is looking for that physical epiphany. They have become so user friendly now with a water stop, portapotty, and back rub station every ten feet. The rock and roll marathon uses live music every mile in order to take your mind off of what you are doing. When has it ever been a good idea to take your mind off of what you are doing? Can you imagine if other endeavors used this same technique such as free ascent rock climbers or professional fighters. They would plummet to their death or get knocked out. I've heard other athletes describe themselves as going through a metaphysical transformation whereby they become so engrossed in their activity that they become the ball or the discus or whatever it is that they are doing. If you don't like doing something to the point that you need to take your mind off of it then you shouldn't do it. You'll be much happier. If you can read a magazine while doing it (like the stationary bike, stair master, or any other piece of crap commonly found at globo gym) then it is probably not worth doing. I'm not exactly sure when passive fitness came into vogue but it should've died a long time ago. Intensity is in and here to stay. I'm done now.

CrossFit JAX said...

much respects whit. teddy rose said it best in his 'man in the arena' are out there making it happen and did one can take that away...CFJ!